I love seeing the world, experiencing it. I love learning about the natural world, from tree species and habitats to people, cultures and traditions. I'm curious by nature and there is a lot to learn, all around us, all the time. So in an attempt to focus my attention a little bit, I thought about starting a blog. To help dive a little bit deeper into one topic at a time. And step by step, I'll know more today than I did yesterday. My own focused learning attempt, in a world full of distractions and notifications.
Climate. I'm drawn to climate change, as I truly believe it is our generation's biggest challenge. Due to having the privilege of experiencing this incredible world, the smallest thing we can offer in return is to respect it and love it as our one and only home, enabling full ecosystems to thrive as they did for millions of years. Climate change can be daunting - so many issues, so little time. No one expects one person to fix it all, that's why there's 8 billion of us. Big changes take time and I have my fair share of optimism to believe it's possible to overcome this. We are surrounded by hundreds of calls to action highlighting the urgency of acting and hundreds of posts showcasing success stories, from small communities and startups to cities and policy makers taking incredible steps forward and acting as role models. We need both. For the foreseeable future. I'm really hopeful and I'd love to share some of this hope here. We can all get easily stuck in the anxiety and impatience/disgust stage, but it's so important to push through that and reach the act-learn-inspire stages as they bring soo much internal joy and fulfilment.
Diagram of different emotions towards climate change
Don’t fear the time it’ll take to accomplish something stand in the way of doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.
- Earl Nightingale
Tech. The other part of this blog will be around tech and my attempt to learn about the intersection of my day to day job and its impact on climate. We build large models, ghosts of the Internet, able to distil the information created by all Internet-connected human beings and beyond. Training them requires compute, the compute requires electricity. What are some of the best options we have right now to ensure training these models in the cleanest and safest way possible, both for our society and our environment? This is what I'll try and answer in my posts in this section.
Travel. Last, but not least, my passion to discover and understand the world around me. I'll try and keep these short and sweet, mainly small bits of information about my most favourite adventures. I love going to new places every time and I find it of utmost importance for more or less every penny (so to say) that I save to go into travelling. I invest in my knowledge so that I can use my knowledge to benefit the world. Big words, ey? I'm aware of the climate cost associated with travelling and I'll aim to understand this better as well and share my insights here too - there is a vast amount of research and initiatives around sustainable travelling and tips on how to ensure a minimal carbon footprint.